Understanding Congenital Hearing Loss in children

Does your infant suffer from hearing loss? While some think that such condition only occurs among aging people, the truth is the exact opposite; for even a newborn baby can have it too. The condition is congenital, and understanding congenital hearing loss is very crucial for every parent.


In this article, we will discuss about congenital hearing loss and some false thoughts about hearing loss in children.


What is Congenital Hearing Loss?


Basically, the term means hearing loss that is already present at birth. Genetic or non-genetic factors may cause the condition.


Of all the causes of congenital hearing loss, 25 percent are non-genetic. They are as follows: prematurity, birth injuries, maternal infections, lack of oxygen or anoxia, complications related to Rh factor in the blood, etc.


Meanwhile, there are numerous genetic syndromes that have hearing loss as one of their symptoms. Some of them are the following: Alport syndrome, Down syndrome, Crouzon syndrome, Treacher Collins syndrome, Usher syndrome, and Waardenburg syndrome.


It is best for infants with congenital hearing loss to undergo treatments before reaching six months of age. Doing so may enable them to develop communication skills that are as great as those of children with perfect hearing.


Common Myths about Hearing Loss in Children


Just like any health condition, there are several myths about hearing loss in children. Here are some:


  • If a child responds to sound, he or she does not suffer from hearing loss.


Hearing loss has different levels. Even if a child hears certain sounds, he or she may not hear all sounds. Be mindful of the following cases that might be symptoms of hearing loss: inconsistent response to sounds, delayed speech, inattentiveness, or having incorrect responses to simple questions.


It is advisable to administer audiogram to help your kid. Also, take note that while newborn screenings are required, hearing loss can develop at a later time.


  • Being born with hearing loss is just the same as having a late-diagnosed hearing loss.


These are two different cases and sufferers have different experiences. Those born with hearing loss can develop certain skills like lip-reading, but they weren’t able to reap the benefit of normal hearing while learning how to speak.


  • Increasing the hearing aid’s volume helps the child understand what is said.


Increasing the volume will create a wrong impression of the quality of sound. It will also make lip-reading hard for the child.


Hearing loss should not be a hindrance to a child’s dream. Through the support of family and with modern technology, the condition has a solution.




Hearing loss, whether congenital or late-diagnosed, is a serious condition. As a parent, you should take time to understand everything about it. In doing so, you are helping your child cope with his or her situation well. You are helping him or her live a normal life, or close to it at least.



If you think your child suffers from a hearing loss, whether congenital or late-diagnosed,, make sure that he/she get a hearing test & assessment. For details, please contact HK Hearing & Speech Centre.




HK Hearing & Speech Centre

Specialist of Hearing test & assessment,

and Hearing Aid Prescription


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9:30am – 1:00pm &
3:00pm – 6:00pm
Wed: 9:30am – 1:00pm
Sat:9:00am – 3:00pm
Sun & Public Holiday Closed

HK Hearing & Speech Centre
Rm 02, 5/F.,
Kai Seng Commerical Centre,
4-6 Hankow Road,
(near Kowloon Hotel)
Tel: (852) 3100 0555
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