Hearing Aids Prescription


Hearing Aids Prescription is an important decision. It is vital in successful hearing rehabilitation for both the quality of the products and the service of the hearing aid dispensers.

However, the steps are the same wherever your hearing aids are prescribed.

Step 1: Hearing Test

Step 2: Selecting Hearing Aid

Step 3: Earmould Custom-made

Step 4: Hearing Aid Fitting

Step 5: Hearing Aid Post-fitting Follow-up

Hearing Aids Prescription is not easy for the non-professional because of the lack of sound knowledge and information of the hearing aid products, accessories and its services. Hence, we suggest to seek helps from hearing professional.

Our hearing & speech centre is a Hong Kong based professional hearing and speech therapy centre, coupled with advanced high-tech equipments and a strong team of experienced speech therapists, hearing experts, and ENT specialists to help your hearing aids prescription in a way beneficial to you.

Copyright 2012 HK Hearing & Speech Centre