Aphasia, or the difficulty in communicating with others particularly in expressing yourself through words, is among the possible complications of a stroke. But it isn’t a disease per se – instead, it’s a symptom of brain damage caused by oxygen deprivation. Aside from difficulty in speaking, a stroke can also result in the difficulty in reading and writing, both of which are also crucial in communication.
Treatment Based on Type
Fortunately, aphasia can be treated or managed with speech therapy. Since no two people experience aphasia in exactly the same way, the treatment will be customized. Generally speaking, nonetheless, the treatment will be based on the type of aphasia exhibited by the concerned person.
There are four categories of aphasia:
The speech language pathologist will likely consult with your primary care physician of the stroke victim in determining your type of aphasia. You may be unable to make the decision yourself, however, but you have to work at it so as to regain full control over your speech skills.
Types of Techniques
Speech therapists use a wide range of tools and techniques in the treatment of aphasia in stroke patients. If you are still able to make a decision, you should ideally discuss your treatment plan and suggest modifications. Just keep in mind that the speech therapist will likely have the knowledge and skills to determine which tools and techniques are best in your case.
Speech therapy is the most effective treatment for aphasia since it focuses on regaining speech and language skills. Your speech therapist will use a wide range of specific exercises and methods, too.
But your chances for a full recovery from aphasia will increase when speech therapy is combined with other techniques. These include the following:
Your doctor may also prescribe medications to facilitate your recovery from aphasia. But even the best medicines will be of little use if you aren’t active in your speech therapy program. For more information of the speech therapy for stroke patients, please contact us for free consulation.
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