Hearing aids are expensive personal devices so changing them can be a tricky issue. You’re likely reluctant to change them when they’re still working, sort of, because of the cost. You may put up with the occasional breakdowns just to extend their use.
But there are instances when changing your hearing aids is a must, a matter of maintaining your sense of hearing over time! Here are a few instances that, indeed, it’s time to buy new hearing aids.
Five Years Is the Limit
Most modern hearing aids will work well between five and seven years. You may want to make it last for, say, 10 years to get the best value for your money. But your hearing aids will breakdown within five years or so regardless of proper use and care.
Why? Hearing aids are complicated technological devices that are subjected to more wear and tear than your usual smartphone. There’s also the matter of hearing aids being exposed to bodily substances, such as ear wax and ear moisture, which hasten the wear and tear.
Tip: Consider changing your hearing aids in five years’ time.
Major Lifestyle Changes Have Happened
There are no one-size-fits-all hearing aids and, in fact, the best ones are customized to the specific needs and wants of their user. In the same vein, there’s no one pair of hearing aids that will work for all lifestyle preferences.
You should consider getting new hearing aids if you’ve made major changes in your lifestyle or your new job demands it. You may, for example, become more physically active or your new job has higher noise levels. Your old hearing aids may not be up to the job.
Changes in Health Have Happened, Too
Keep in mind that hearing aids should be customized to your hearing needs and wants. If you experience significant changes in your hearing, you have to consult with your audiologist about new hearing aids. This is true whether you’re hearing has improved or worsened since new features will likely be necessary.
But it isn’t just your hearing that should be considered when changing hearing aids. You may want new ones because your fingers aren’t as agile as before or your skin is easily irritated by your old hearing aids.
For example, in-the-canal hearing aids are more difficult to operate than behind-the-ear devices. The small battery door of the former makes it challenging to open for people with arthritis.
Your attitude toward hearing aids will also change with time. You may want new hearing aids because you have a greater appreciation for them or you want better features. You may even want to change your old ones because these are cheap and you can now afford more expensive ones.
Of course, you shouldn’t change your hearing aids on a whim! You have to work with your audiologist to ensure that, indeed, you’re getting the best ones for your needs.
If you need an new hearing aid, make sure to take the hearing test & assessment. For details, please contact HK Hearing & Speech Centre.
HK Hearing & Speech Centre
Specialist of Hearing test & assessment,
and Hearing Aid Prescription