hearing aid prescription

Common Misconceptions Some People Don’t Wear Hearing Aids

Common Misconceptions Some People Don’t Wear Hearing Aids


When someone is suffering from hearing loss, whether it is severe due to a sudden injury or mild due to genetic conditions or aging, it is very important to immediately seek the assistance of hearing aids. These hearing aids help people hear even when their auditory senses have been damaged and it is also crucial for proper healing.

However, for many reasons some people do not want to wear hearing aids even after the doctors and hearing specialists tell them that they have to. Why is this?


Consider the following list of common reasons and discover why they aren’t as valid as people make them out to be: Continue reading

Tools and Accessories to Keep Baby’s Hearing Aids On

Tools and Accessories to Keep Baby’s Hearing Aids On


If your baby requires hearing aids then one of the first hurdles is keeping them on. Babies and toddlers tend to move around a lot and they often remove their hearing aids due to discomfort or just because their hands found their way up to their ears.

This isn’t helpful, of course, because parents want their growing babies to keep their hearing aids on as much as possible. Babies and toddlers require their auditory sense to grow and develop. Those without permanent hearing loss will require the hearing aids to improve their inner ear until they can live without them.


So how can you keep them on without hurting your child or causing discomfort?


Consider some of the tools or accessories listed below: Continue reading

Essential Hearing Aids Gear for Kids at School

Essential Hearing Aids Gear for Kids at School


Kids need a lot when they are going to school. These days, kids need more than just a backpack with paper, pencils, and their packed lunch. This becomes even more significant for kids with a hearing aids prescription.


Kids going to school wearing hearing aids have to deal with bullies who keep making fun of them, the discomfort of wearing the hearing aids for seven to eight hours in school, and they need to deal with the difficulty of having a different hearing environment compared to kids with normal hearing conditions.


However, there are a few essential accessories and gears that can make the experience easier to cope with, such as the following: Continue reading

Digital Advancements for Today’s Hearing Aids

Digital Advancements for Today’s Hearing Aids


Approximately one out of every three people over the age of 65 also suffers from hearing loss due to age or accumulative injury to the ears. This means every year more and more people are required to wear hearing aids. Unlike the basic hearing aids of the mid-1980s, today’s hearing aids are becoming far more advanced. They aren’t simple amplifiers that make sounds louder for a person with hearing loss.


In one basic sense of the word, these hearing aids enhance the auditory sense.


Enhanced Digital Gain Processing

This is a new digital system allows a user to focus on a particular sound of interest without having to suffer from discomfort or loud feedback. For example: a child could drown out the sounds of background chatter in a classroom and focus entirely on the sound of their teacher speaking. Continue reading

Lifestyle Changes for Better Hearing

Lifestyle Changes for Better Hearing


When people talk about lifestyle changes the things that come to mind are dieting to lose weight, quitting smoking and financial management, but you can take the same approach and protect your hearing. The thing about hearing protection is that it’s so easy to do provided you’re willing to carry through.


Know the Signs of Hearing Loss

Signs of hearing loss include straining to hear sounds that everyone around can hear, as well as feeling “lost” when in the midst of a group conversation. Tinnitus symptoms include hearing a roaring, buzzing or clicking noise, so if any of these manifest consult an ENT specialist. Continue reading

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3:00pm – 6:00pm
Wed: 9:30am – 1:00pm
Sat:9:00am – 3:00pm
Sun & Public Holiday Closed

HK Hearing & Speech Centre
Rm 02, 5/F.,
Kai Seng Commerical Centre,
4-6 Hankow Road,
(near Kowloon Hotel)
Tel: (852) 3100 0555
Fax: (852) 3100 0556