hearing aids prescription

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Hearing Aids Competition in the Market to be noted

Hearing Aids Competition in the Market to be noted



As more vendors and manufacturers are selling hearing aids and hearing devices in the market, sound amplification for personal use and online applications that target patients with mild or moderate hearing loss, the American Speech, Language, Hearing Association (ASHA) Category: Hearing Aid, Hearing Therapy feels that patients are now more vulnerable to getting fraudulent sales or worst, as there are no audiologists involved, consumer safety may be compromised. Continue reading

Crucial Tips to Remember When Buying Hearing Aids

Crucial Tips to Remember When Buying Hearing Aids



Once a patient is prescribed to use or get a hearing aid, he is easily overwhelmed or depressed because he fears that it will change his life forever. Actually, it will definitely change his life but not in the way most patients predict. Getting a hearing aid can change your life for the better because:


  • It can help improve your listening and hearing skills
  • It can dramatically change the way you communicate
  • It can affect work performance in your job
  • It can change how you appreciate music
  • It can provide better overall hearing capability


If you are convinced that a hearing aid can treat your hearing loss, the next overwhelming task is how to choose and buy the perfect one for you. As hearing aids do not cost cheap, picking the right one will not only guarantee a hearing loss treatment but can also assure you that the money you have used will be put to good use. Continue reading

How Ear Doctors Can be a Mother’s Worst Nightmare

How Ear Doctors Can be a Mother’s Worst Nightmare


According to reports, there are about two percent of babies who will fail in the newborn hearing screening and as parents who will do anything that your doctor tells you, doing further tests would probably be on top of your priority list.

Most doctors prefer to wait six weeks to about two months to have these babies checked out first and often than not, test results will still vary but mostly will show the baby to have moderate to severe hearing loss. This result may cause parents their first heartache regarding their children but as doctors, they do not have the authority not to break the news to the parents.

However, this type of news is not what most parents fear. Believe it or not, 10 percent of doctors may wrongly read the results, ending to a misdiagnosis. Being parents, they depend on doctors to help them understand their child’s condition but it will not hurt to always ask for a second opinion and seek a specialist’s diagnosis. Continue reading

Is Hearing Aids one kind of Personal Sound Amplification Products?

Is Hearing Aids one kind of Personal Sound Amplification Products?


In this digital day and age, many people with hearing loss are torn between buying what is essentially advised by the experts or looking for what is most affordable in the market.

Personal Sound Amplification Products (PSAPs) get a bad rap because of what the FDA has released in 2009, but according to many manufacturers of these kinds of devices, there are several benefits people may get from them.


  • All PSAPs are not created equal and because of this, PSAPs that people with hearing loss or difficulty should use those with extra amplification between 1000 to 2000 Hz, the normal range for conversation.
  • Simple and easy to use and there is no need to adjust. Most PSAPs can be used by simply adding batteries. Better yet, there are guides and easy-to-follow DVD.
  • Durable product and excellent quality of technology make the PSAP an excellent device for anyone, especially people with hearing loss, to experience.
  • Invisible to the naked eye of most people who don’t know you are particularly suffering from hearing loss. It uses the ‘open ear’ technology that allows the product to be comfortable and less intrusive to use.

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Simple Steps to Help Your Child Adjust to Hearing Aids

Adults dealing with hearing loss already find the situation difficult so you can imagine the gigantic hurdles that it takes for a child to adjust to life wearing hearing aids. It requires time and a lot of patience to help your child get used to wearing hearing aids and to get accustomed to how they work.


Make Sure the Hearing Aids Fit Properly

Perhaps the very first step is to make sure that the hearing aids fit in well. There is nothing worse for a child with hearing loss than walking around with a painful pair of hearing aids that don’t fit in right. Take time with the ear-molds and test if they comfortably fit in or behind the child’s ears.


Remember that the ear-molds might fit in too tightly at first and will sooner or later adjust as the child continues to wear them. A lubricant may be required at first to make it easier to fit in. Also take some time with the specialist to learn how the ear-molds are properly placed or removed.


Build Up Their Sound Library

Some specialists like to use the term “sound library” and this is basically a progressive build-up to the level of background noise and accumulation of focused sounds a child with hearing aids can handle. Don’t immediately push your child into a busy crowd and expect to handle everything they hear.


Instead, start in a very quiet room so they can first get used to the aids they are wearing. This will also allow them to understand how adjustments are made so they can focus on one or two particular sounds.


In a quiet room your child can learn to test whether the hearing aids are working on not since all they have to do is focus on their parent’s voice.


Once they’ve gotten accustomed to just one or two sounds, try immersing them into slightly busier environments. Work your way up slowly, giving time and space for the child to adapt to the changing auditory scenery.

Patience is a Virtue

Remember that most children aren’t comfortable wearing hearing aids all day. Take it slowly. Reward them for wearing their hearing devices for long periods of time.

Adjustments are done incrementally. If the ear-molds keep falling off, if your child doesn’t grasp how adjustments are made, or if you have any other concerns and questions then make it a point to list them down. You’ll want to notify your child’s hearing specialist about everything, even about the smallest concerns.


Take time and soon your child will be able to deal with their hearing aids on their own. Many children who started wearing aids at an early age grow so accustomed they often forget they have them in the first place.


For more details of our hearing test & assessment, and hearing aid prescription, please contact HK Hearing & Speech Centre.




HK Hearing & Speech Centre

Specialist of Hearing test & assessment,

and Hearing Aid Prescription


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Mon,Tue,Thu,Fri :
9:30am – 1:00pm &
3:00pm – 6:00pm
Wed: 9:30am – 1:00pm
Sat:9:00am – 3:00pm
Sun & Public Holiday Closed

HK Hearing & Speech Centre
Rm 02, 5/F.,
Kai Seng Commerical Centre,
4-6 Hankow Road,
(near Kowloon Hotel)
Tel: (852) 3100 0555
Fax: (852) 3100 0556