Welcome to the HK Hearing & Speech Centre!
HK Hearing & Speech Centre (HKHearingSpeech.com) is a Hong Kong based professional hearing and speech therapy centre, coupled with advanced high-tech hearing & speech equipments and a strong team of experienced speech therapists, audiologists (hearing experts), ENT specialists and staffs, to provide an one-stop hearing & speech solution for all ages with hearing and speech issues.
Our services include hearing test (audiological assessment), hearing aids prescription (hearing aid consultation, recommendation and fitting), hearing rehabilitation, hearing aid products & hearing aid accessories, custom earmolds, audiology & speech therapy services, and relevant professional counseling services.
Unsure if you need our services?
Please keep patience and answer the following questions:
- Do you feel that people always murmur when talking to you?
- Do you always ask others to repeat themselves or speak up?
- Do you feel hard to talk with people in noisy places?
- Do you find it hard to hear a person even if he/she is hearby?
- Are you often unable to detect phone calls or a door bell rings?
- Are you always criticized for turning up the television or radio volume too loud?
- Do you feel that you can hear better when sitting at the front?
- Do you feel that your one ear hears better than the other?
- Are you always being told by others that you have hearing loss ?
If you experience any three or above, it is better for you to schedule a thorough evaluation and hearing test with our hearing professional. We will try our best to help you to get the most enjoyment out of your life and the relationships with people around you. Make an appointment for a hearing test and evaluation.
We serve all ages with speech and hearing issues. Please do not hesitate to contact our hearing & speech centre by phone or via email.
HK Hearing & Speech Centre
Rm 02, 5/F., Kai Seng Commerical Centre,
4-6 Hankow Road, TST Kln, HK
(near Kowloon Hotel)
Tel: (852) 3100 0555
Fax: (852) 3100 0556
Website: HKHearingSpeech.com
ENT Specialist Services, please visit:
HK ENT Specialist