Hearing loss is a problem for many people across all ages. Whether it is diagnosed as mild, moderate, or severe, it causes communication difficulties in everyday lives. This impairment must never be neglected or untreated for what it is since it may lead to complications.
Hearing Aids
These are devices meant to help treat hearing loss that are basically made to amplify sound. Through the many years of its existence, analog hearing devices were introduced first. These were, by then, bulkier and amplified all sounds caught including bothersome noise.
Presently, digital hearing aids flood the market for those in need. These newer devices are leaps of improvement from the analog years in that they have electronic chips inside that fine-tunes the sound from speech and even eliminates background noise in some expensive models.
They are all the same?
If you have seen one, you have seen them all, you might think of hearing aids. They may look the same, but they are not exactly the same; it’s a “yes” and a “no” at the same time.
All hearing aid devices share the same similarity in components. As a whole:
What sets them apart?
The specific differences between hearing aids would fall into three distinct categories, namely:
Sound capture and refinements has made it clearer than before. Some devices can stay immersed in water for a time by purpose.
For severe hearing loss, and even the deaf, the two-component cochlear implant is best.
If you think you need a hearing aid, make sure to get a hearing aid prescription. For more details of our hearing test & assessment, and hearing aid services, please contact HK Hearing & Speech Centre.
HK Hearing & Speech Centre
Specialist of Hearing test & assessment,
and Hearing Aid Prescription