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Tips When Choosing Hearing Aids for Kids

Unlike fully grown adults, children have different needs when it comes to choosing their hearing aids. Since children will most likely not fully understand their diagnosis and the complicated tasks in choosing the right hearing aid, it is up to the parents to ensure that their kid leaves the clinic with the right tools.


First of all, parents might want to make sure they avail of hearing aids that utilize adjustable ear-molds. This will allow the specialist to adjust the size and shape of the hearing aid without the need to purchase an entirely new set of hearing devices. This is important because a child’s ears are constantly growing as they get older.


Always make it a point to choose hearing aids with assistive hearing settings such as an FM system. This type of setting will help the child block out background noise and will let their ears focus on a particular, intended sound. This becomes helpful when they are in noisy environments.


A child with these types of assistive hearing tools will be able to block out the background noise in a classroom so they can fully receive the sounds of their teachers lecturing. It also helps a child with hearing loss identify a particular sound when they are immersed in large crowds where everyone is talking at once.


If the child is a little bit older then they may also want to avail of some hearing aids accessories such as gaming devices, smart phones, or tablets that feature apps capable of helping them get the most out of their hearing devices. Some apps allow children to adjust the volume or intensity of their aids with a simple tap or swipe.


These accessories are crucial because they can help a child adjust to different environments. One general setting might be fine when talking one-on-one with another person but it might not be optimal when in a busy classroom or when in a crowd filled with all sorts of background noise.


Also take a moment to decide whether your child needs an in-the-ear device (ITE) or a hearing aid located behind the ear (BTE). For the most part, younger children use behind-the-ear devices while older kids use those in the ear due to the convenience and because the device is harder for other people to notice. Newer hearing aids are even compatible with iOS and Android devices.


Remember that choosing a pair of hearing aids for children is not as easy as it is for an adult, especially when a child requires hearing aids prescription at an early age. Most children wearing hearing aids early in their life find it difficult to differentiate what is and what isn’t the proper auditory range.


For more details of our hearing test & assessment, and hearing aid services, please contact HK Hearing & Speech Centre.




HK Hearing & Speech Centre

Specialist of Hearing test & assessment,

and Hearing Aid Prescription


Hearing Aids Help Kids Develop Speech and Language Skills

Many parents ponder whether they should let their kids start wearing hearings aids early, during the first signs of mild hearing loss or hearing difficulty, or if they should wait. The argument that hearing aids in mild loss cases makes a child dependent on the device is losing because of new studies that point out children with hearing aids actually develop better speech and language skills.


Basic Details of the Study

The study showed that kids wearing hearing aids early were more likely to develop better skills in speech and language. The results showed that the improvements become more noticeable and more significant if the child wears the hearing aid longer.

This is why the best case scenario involved kids who have worn their hearing aids since they were toddlers.


All of this comes from a recent study conducted at the Center for Childhood Deafness, located at the Boys Town National Research Hospital (Omaha, Nebraska). The study surveyed the speech skills of 180 3-year old and 5-year old patients with hearing loss conditions.


The patients were all evaluated according to their speech skills, articulation, and language comprehension. Scores improved when the researchers reached the children that have worn their hearing aids since they were toddlers.


Implications of the Study

It is also important to note that hearing aids that gave the most amplification and simulation of regular hearing were the ones that gave the most benefits. When the hearing aids were toned down, children in the study were not as keen on grasping new words because they could not properly hear how the words were pronounced and articulated.


A child’s capability to hear greatly affects how they form words in their mouths, how they move their tongue, and how they perceive the pronunciation of certain words.

This is all partly due to the fact that language and communication are crucial parts for a young child’s development. Not only is their IQ affected but also affected is their EQ (emotional quotient) and their capability to learn.


It Is Never Too Early or Too Late

Researchers also pointed out that it is not too late for kids to “catch up”. If you’re a parent with a child suffering from very mild hearing loss and never had to wear hearing aids you can still benefit from the technology if you go to a specialist today.

If your child is starting to experience hearing loss then don’t wait for the condition to get worse. Getting a hearing aids prescription early will help your child adjust as well as maintain their ongoing capability to learn and speak properly. Hearing aids are helpful for those with serious conditions but the new study does prove that it is never too early to give these devices a try.


If you think your kids needs a hearing aid, make sure to get a hearing aid prescription. For more details of our hearing test & assessment, and hearing aid services, please contact HK Hearing & Speech Centre.




HK Hearing & Speech Centre

Specialist of Hearing test & assessment,

and Hearing Aid Prescription


Common Misconceptions Some People Don’t Wear Hearing Aids

Common Misconceptions Some People Don’t Wear Hearing Aids


When someone is suffering from hearing loss, whether it is severe due to a sudden injury or mild due to genetic conditions or aging, it is very important to immediately seek the assistance of hearing aids. These hearing aids help people hear even when their auditory senses have been damaged and it is also crucial for proper healing.

However, for many reasons some people do not want to wear hearing aids even after the doctors and hearing specialists tell them that they have to. Why is this?


Consider the following list of common reasons and discover why they aren’t as valid as people make them out to be: Continue reading

Tools and Accessories to Keep Baby’s Hearing Aids On

Tools and Accessories to Keep Baby’s Hearing Aids On


If your baby requires hearing aids then one of the first hurdles is keeping them on. Babies and toddlers tend to move around a lot and they often remove their hearing aids due to discomfort or just because their hands found their way up to their ears.

This isn’t helpful, of course, because parents want their growing babies to keep their hearing aids on as much as possible. Babies and toddlers require their auditory sense to grow and develop. Those without permanent hearing loss will require the hearing aids to improve their inner ear until they can live without them.


So how can you keep them on without hurting your child or causing discomfort?


Consider some of the tools or accessories listed below: Continue reading

Essential Hearing Aids Gear for Kids at School

Essential Hearing Aids Gear for Kids at School


Kids need a lot when they are going to school. These days, kids need more than just a backpack with paper, pencils, and their packed lunch. This becomes even more significant for kids with a hearing aids prescription.


Kids going to school wearing hearing aids have to deal with bullies who keep making fun of them, the discomfort of wearing the hearing aids for seven to eight hours in school, and they need to deal with the difficulty of having a different hearing environment compared to kids with normal hearing conditions.


However, there are a few essential accessories and gears that can make the experience easier to cope with, such as the following: Continue reading

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